90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days featured Vanja deciding she’s “done” with Bozo, Niles questioning Matilda’s intentions, Magda refusing to sleep with Joe before an engagement, and Veah choosing Sunny over Rory during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ seventh season stars eight new couples who are convinced they found true love.
The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; and Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana.
The rest of the new Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.
Like 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ prior seasons, the seventh season will follow Americans who began online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they travel overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they have never met in person and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.
Along the way, the Americans will encounter challenges that include large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts as they travel to a list of countries that includes Nigeria, Philippines, Ghana, Poland, Brazil, Jordan, South Africa, and Croatia to meet their online partners for the first time.
Below is what happened on Episode 13 of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days’ seventh season on TLC.
MAGDA and JOE Joe said he and Magda had a great chemistry in-person and that he felt comfortable around her, as if she’d been his girlfriend for a while.
Joe anticipated the next three weeks going well in Poland, but he wasn’t even calling her by the right name. Joe had been calling her “Magna,” but she said she didn’t care because she loved him.
Joe thought Magda’s place was nice, except for the lack of air conditioning, and then she let him know that they weren’t going to sleep in the same room. Joe felt disappointed, but Magda said she needed more time to trust Joe and make sure they were going to work together.
Joe and Magda went to a bar and ordered food together, and he thought she lived in a vibrant city.
But Joe thought it was strange Magda wanted to marry and have kids with him when she didn’t even know if they were physically compatible.
See which 90 Day Fiance couples are still together, and who has split and broken up! (PHOTO GALLERY)
After spending one night together in separate rooms, Magda revealed to Joe that she wanted to wait until they were engaged to have sex.
Magda said if Joe committed to her, she would be his and she would only have sex with him.
But Joe didn’t like the idea of popping the question without knowing what intimacy with Magda would be like first. Joe wanted to fully “get to know” Magda before committing the rest of his life to her.
“He broke my trust when he slept with another girl. That’s why I want to take things slow,” Magda explained in a confessional.
“I want to see in his eyes he’s telling the truth, but I’m scared. I hope this won’t destroy our future.”
That day, Magda and Joe put their differences behind them for a moment and enjoyed a pretzel-baking class. They had fun and Madga got to see a romantic side of her partner.
But the mood shifted once Magda learned Joe had cheated on her around the time of her birthday.
Joe couldn’t tell Magda exactly when he had slept with someone else, and so she found this to be an issue and began wondering if he had slept with other girls as well.
Joe insisted he only cheated with one person, but Magda wasn’t convinced.
NILES and MATILDANiles thought Matilda was going to be an amazing wife because she was already taking care of him.
Niles’ parents didn’t approve of his relationship with Matilda, however, and so they weren’t willing to participate in the traditional Ghana “knocking ceremony.”
Niles was hoping a man named Mr. Arc would step in and represent him, but Matilda said he’s a tough man and hopefully Niles would be able to handle himself.
Mr. Arc agreed to step in as Niles’ father, but he wanted the wedding to immediately follow the knocking ceremony. Mr. Arc said he wasn’t going to tolerate Niles knocking and then returning to the U.S. without marrying Matilda first. It didn’t seem like Niles was going to get away with this.
Niles explained that he wasn’t ready to get married yet and he was still getting to know Matilda.
Because Matilda’s family expected Niles to take care of them and buy them food, for about 30 people, a part of him worried that Matilda was taking advantage of him.
Mr. Arc was angry, and he told Niles that he didn’t want Niles to put “a stain” on his name and reputation. Mr. Arc wanted Niles to follow his customs and have a simple marriage.
Matilda didn’t want to be blamed for her family’s demands and customs; she insisted that she just wanted to be Niles’ wife because she loved him.
Niles claimed that Matilda never told him how important it was to have a wedding right after a knocking ceremony, but Matilda disagreed. Matilda said Niles just didn’t listen to her, but Niles reminded her that he has a disability.
Mr. Arc also told Niles that a knocking ceremony could be a small affair, and so Niles asked why she had planned such a giant event for about 90 people.
Matilda shared how she has a lot of friends that she wanted to invite and she just needed money for the food. She had asked for $200 and didn’t think that was much at all.
“I don’t love you because of your money!” Matilda shouted at Niles. “I wanted to make you happy.”
“What makes you think a big ceremony like that would make me happy?” Niles asked, adding how he wouldn’t like a large gathering.
Matilda recalled Niles asking for a “big” event, and after the pair bickered, Niles asked for a moment of silence so he could think and calm down.
“You disgraced me today!” Matilda shouted.
VANJA and BOZO VANJA said she was fed up and this was a bullsh-t situation. After Vanja was complaining about Bozo’s mixed signals and Bozo’s friends were sticking up for her, Bozo told her that it was over between them.
Vanja felt she had been “played for a fool.” Bozo initially friend zoned her and then dumped her.
Bozo’s friends thought Vanja was amazing, and so they didn’t understand why he wasn’t “feeling it” with Vanja. Bozo said he couldn’t change his feelings, but his friends asked Bozo to give Vanja the courtesy of three weeks since she had traveled all the way from the United States to see him.
If it weren’t for Bozo’s friends, he probably would have let Vanja leave without a word.
Bozo, however, found Vanja in the street, and she told him not to talk to her. Vanja was bawling her eyes out, and she felt embarrassed and stupid. Bozo said he felt really bad and he’d like to talk, but she wasn’t up for that.
Bozo therefore said, “God bless,” and left Vanja alone. She said Bozo didn’t deserve her attention anymore.
Bozo claimed things were just very different in person than they were online. Bozo said he didn’t want to be fake to a woman and Vanja deserved 100 percent devotion.
“Maybe I’m not ready for a relationship. Her being hurt is the worst thing. Hurting Vanja like this, I don’t know if I will ever forgive [myself],” Bozo lamented in a confessional.
Vanja was admittedly “an emotional basket case” after Bozo had dashed her dreams and broken her heart.
Vanja moved into a hotel room until she could fly back to America, but then suddenly, Bozo left Vanja a voicemail asking her to join him for a friendly lunch. Vanja wanted to tell Bozo to “f-ck off,” but she also wanted some questions answered.
Vanja therefore decided to meet with Bozo in order to receive closure.
Bozo explained to Vanja that he wouldn’t be able to keep up with her and match her feelings, but Vanja just thought Bozo was coming up with excuses because he had “shut down” on her “on Day 1.”
Bozo claimed he was embarrassed and would be there in the future for Vanja as a friend.
Bozo’s behavior made Vanja question everything they had talked about online, and she believed he had treated her like a joke. Vanja thought the outcome was very sad and she was back where she had started eight months prior, alone in Croatia.
BRIAN and INGRIDIngrid had said she didn’t want to be any man’s mother or babysitter, and so Brian feared she may not be able to meet his needs and truly take care of him.
Ingrid then met one of Brian’s friends, and Brian talked about how his ex-wife had been using him for a Green Card. Brian said he had been married four times and so he needed to make sure the fifth time was going to be the right one.
Ingrid didn’t know Brian had been married four times. She thought he had been married only twice, and so this was a big red flag for Ingrid and she thought there was something wrong with him.
Brian apparently didn’t count his last marriage in Recife as a real marriage because it was a scam on her part, allegedly, but Ingrid didn’t care. Ingrid admitted this was a “problem” for her.
FAITH and LORENFaith was still working on trusting Loren again because he had cheated on her and really hurt her.
But Loren told Faith that she was perfect to him and he really loved her, and so Faith was coming around on the idea of being with him.
Loren asked Faith if she’d be his girlfriend again, and she said yes.
However, same-sex marriage wasn’t allowed in the Philippines. And so Loren suggested they could get married in Thailand and then he could file for citizenship in the Philippines.
Another idea, according to Loren, would be to marry someone in the Philippines so he could get citizenship. Loren suggested he could marry Faith’s mother so he could have a marriage on paper and be a part of her family. Loren said they could all live together and be a family, but Faith thought the plan was weird and “crazy.”
Faith told Loren that she’d need more time to think about it.
Loren ended up pitching the idea to Faith’s mother, but she seemed shocked and confused. Faith’s family pretty much laughed in Loren’s face, and Faith didn’t want her family to think Loren was insane.
VEAH and SUNNYSunny told Veah that she needed to decide between Rory and himself. Sunny was tired of Veah’s relationship with her ex-boyfriend and having him in the picture all the time.
Sunny therefore gave Veah an ultimatum — that she’d have to choose between Rory and himself.
Veah cried because she didn’t want to lose either guy, and she begged Sunny not to make her choose.
However, Sunny was adamant about Rory needing to go, and so Veah decided to side with Sunny and send Rory back to the United States alone.
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